Zinedine... you fool :(
First things first: Zinedine Zidane is the greatest player the Beautiful Game has seen since Maradona. He was proving that again Sunday night, leading France to their second World Cup in eight years. Then, with ten minutes to go and everyone preparing for a penalty shoot-out, Zidane left us prematurely. Italian defender Materazzi said something to Zidane which was answered by a headbutt in the sternum. A shocking event which got Zidane sent off, tarnishing his legacy and probably losing France the final.
It's unknown what Materazzi said to Zidane that made him snap, although the media are still having a field day guessing. Brasilian lip readers stick to it being an insult to Zidane's sister, while others say Zidane was called a terrorist by Materazzi. Today the FIFA announced it would start an official investigation into the affair.
Of course, for non-football fans, this is all not so interesting. What might interest you is that Zidane's headbutt has initiated a 9/11-like flurry of satiric doctoring of images, and I've taken the trouble of collecting some of the best. Enjoy, even when you're silently lamenting the tragic end of Zinedine Zidane's impressive career.
- Final Fantasy IX: Zidane plays Zidane
- Anime: Dragonball Zidane
- Loosing head: Bloody!
- Pokémon: Headbutt attack!
- Foreign Legion: New career move
- Butterfinger: I guess that's some sort of American candy bar...
- MC Hammer: Or some other weird guy
- Mortal Kombat: FINISH HIM!
- Zidane the Game: If you like Zidane and hate Materazzi!

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