29/3 – Final presentation and course dinner
Although we cracked it last night, there’s still quite some work to do before we can present our project to the management board at 1pm. We work frantically until the last moment, practicing until the very last moment. Come presentation time, we’re ready though. We’re the second group to present. Anis, myself and Saritha will be presenting. Practice makes perfect, and I feel we do pretty well. The questions from the panel are easy to counter for me, and during the break our team and the first presenting team congratulate each other on a job well done; for us EP00s course content is doen. The third and fourth team are up after the break. Special mention to Ben, who presents the fourth team’s project by himself. His presentation is very impressive, he tells the story fluently and is very convincing. After the break it’s time for the panel’s verdict. Of course they had a hard time deciding… our group had the best sales pitch, but… Ben’s presentation wins the day for team four. A deserved win!

And then we’re done. Mission accomplished, all phases completed. Geology, field development, surface development, petroleum economics. It took us five weeks, but it’s still a whirlwind speed scenario to go through it all. The course does not make one an expert on any subject, but it does mean you can talk to all your colleagues and have a good understanding of their jobs. You know what the various disciplines are all about, what they do, why they’re necessary and you have an idea about size, costs, quantities required to run a field.
After the presentations I head over to Bintang Plaza to do some shopping and spent some of my last cash. Then it’s back to the hotel by el cheapo bus to prepare for the course dinner at the Eastvalley gold course. We take the bus there, and the initially rather slow evening gets started when Helen, Ben and Alessandro take to the stage to do karaoke. Pretty soon most of the group joins in, and the evening turns into a great party. Around 11 I head back with Shin Yea and some of the others.
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