4/3 – Lambir National Park
Tan has invited me and Frank to go on a hike at nearby Lambir National Park, known for its waterfalls. We arrive there around noon, and its HOT. The hike is only about 4kms, but it’s in the middle of the jungle and it’s a very steep climb. After one minute I’m beat. We make some stops along the way. Tan is accustomed to this climate, and Frank has gone through combat survival training in the Bundeswehr. I am definitely the weakest link here.

It takes us about an hour to reach the waterfall, and what a sight it is. A tiny pool has formed around it’s base, which is great for swimming. Which is what we do. It feels great after the sweaty climb, and it’s a nice reward.

The trip back is not nearly so tough of course. We get down and have a well deserved drink. Back at the hotel I take a sauna, and afterwards do some chatting over MSN with dad. We have an excellent diner later that evening of thai chili beef (hot and crispy).

I dont know the purpose of my life
I am a giant, i am carrying the earth on my back
I fighted in my battles and never be beaten
Rabid winds got on my frozen body
Bad people, people talked to me lies
Beautyful women, eroticly, lustily kissed me
All of them thiefs of a scene of the film of my life
All of them something wanna get of me
I dont know the purpose of my life
But i know when this time will come
When the purpose, ethical or not
I will understand, i will conquer, i will succeed
A breeze will make me fall, with no purpose
Good words.
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