Tuesday, March 13, 2007

6/3 - Petrophysics and volleyball

Today it’s Ru’s turn again. We delve into petrophysics and the ancient art of logging. Lowering measuring instruments down a well and getting readings form the different type of rocks. This produces long strips of wavy lines which mean nothing to a dumb cost and planning engineer like me, but to a petrophysicist they tell loads: what different layers of rock are present, is there gas, is there oil, at what depth can they be found, what is the porosity and permeability of the rock, etc. etc. etc. We spend the day learning how to interpret these logs, as well as identifying correlations between different well logs.

After class we head to the boat club, this time to play volleyball. Team EP00 plays against a group of local guys and thanks to our long Italian volleyball expert we trash them!

At night we spent some time rehearsing our creative review. The creative review means we have to review the past weeks in a creative way. We choose to do a little play with the main lecturers and outstanding students (outstanding in its broadest sense) as the characters. It will be good fun.


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